1795 Henderson Hwy, P.O. Box 28060, RPO North Kildonan, Winnipeg, MB
Phone: (204) 471-5668 | Fax: (204) 478-6677 | info@indep.ca

Posts Tagged ‘rehabilitation’

Outlining The Benefits Of Our “Return To Work Program”

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Business woman standing with her staff in backgroundEveryone enjoys getting a day off work now and again. A long weekend, a statutory holiday and whenever necessary taking a personal day are all occasions that most workers thoroughly enjoy. It never hurts to get an extra day in there to relax, recharge and rejuvenate yourself for work. But you never want to actually get hurt in order to be able to take those days off! It should go without saying that we all wish to avoid illness and injury at all costs.

Sadly, this isn’t something that we can guarantee ourselves. So when an incident occurs that forces people to miss lengthy periods of time from their jobs, it’s important for them to get the appropriate support they need in order to return to work. It’s not just about returning to work though. Of course, it’s important for employers to have their staff members healthy in order to advance their company’s productivity levels.

But optimizing a person’s health is necessary for the benefit of all those involved – the employer, his or her insurance company, and most importantly the employee. Rushing an employee back to the job before he or she is ready benefits no one. Consider the fact that even when a worker is ready to work again, it will take some time for that person to ease back into the regular flow of things on the job.

This is why Independence Incorporated has a very comprehensive “Return To Work Program”. This very important service ensures that all of the issues related to an employee’s return to work are managed so that the transition is both a comfortable and appropriate one. Again, it’s integral that, for everyone’s sake, a worker is fully capable of the tasks given to him or her when arriving back on the job. Our program, therefore, involves a number of steps.

Clarification of any work related restrictions and/or accommodation requirements. In some cases, employees are healthy enough to return back to work but may not be able to completely manage all of the assignments that they used to be capable of taking on. We ensure that both employee and employee are fully aware of the limitations that may exist and work to put in place the necessary means of assistance to help the worker complete his or her assigned tasks.

Identification of available return to work options (same, modified or alternate work). Keeping in mind that an employee may be able to return to work in a limited capacity, we make it our job to ensure that there is clarification about how much the employee is able to contribute. In some instances, employees able to perform the same functions previous to their illness or injury. And in others, they require modified assignments or different tasks altogether.

Development, implementation and monitoring of graduated return to work plan. It’s always important to measure one’s ability to be productive on the job when he or she returns to it. A lot goes into one’s rehabilitation before he or she returns to work, but we remain mindful that the rehabilitation process continues once a person is back on the job. Is he or she easing back into a routine easily? Or is additional assistance required to make for an easier transition?

At Independence Incorporated, we are committed to the process of ensuring that employees are ready to be back at work as fully capable, productive members of their staffs. One way that we accomplish this is by ensuring that there is open communication between family physicians, treatment providers, employees and their employers. For more information about our “Return To Work Program”, please feel free to call us at 204-478-6644.

6 Ways To Show Support To Your Ill Or Injured Loved One

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male and female hands with red heartWhen a loved one becomes sick or injured, it doesn’t make life easy, does it? Talk about an understatement. The health of our family members and friends is more important than anything. And naturally, when someone close to us is unwell, we want to do all we can to support that person. Depending on how severe your loved one’s illness or injury is, the entire ordeal can take a lot out of you.

If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. Many of us have been through it and many more will, at some point, experience it for themselves. It’s no fun, of course. But your love and support can truly become the keys to the recovery of that person you cherish so deeply. Here are six ways you can show support to your family member or friend during his or her recovery period.

1. Don’t shy away from expressing your love. No matter how ill or injured your loved one is, it hasn’t changed the way you feel. Let your loved one know just how loved he or she is. Your support will truly mean a lot considering that many people who are sick or physically disabled feel guilty about what they are putting their family and friends through. It will really help your loved one to know that your love and support is unconditional.

2. Educate yourself about the illness or injury. The more you know about what your loved one is facing, the better you’ll be at understanding how to support him or her. Locate books about the condition or be sure to browse websites when you have the time to attain as much information you can about the sickness. Learn about the treatments so that you can be better aware about the fight you’re helping out with.

3. Give of your time. It’s not easy to find time in your schedule to be by one’s bedside regularly. But during tough times, it’s important to find as much of it as you can. Consider it “hang out time”. Watch movies, share stories and laughs, go through old photos – you get the picture (pun intended). Anything you can do to brighten the spirits of your loved one will be very helpful in the recovery process.

4. Become a chef. Okay, you don’t actually have to become the next Gordon Ramsay. But if you can cook up some of your loved one’s favourite meals, it will go a long way in brightening his or her spirits. Depending on the appetite your loved one may have, his or her favourite dishes will help with nourishment as well. After all, most hospital food (should a hospital stay be required) isn’t all that appetizing.

5. Don’t feel guilty. It’s not your fault. Yes, it’s completely understandable to feel bad about your loved one’s situation. But, it’s important to keep in mind that you didn’t put your loved one in his or her present situation. If you’re going to be a good support person, you can’t forget about yourself. Your loved one needs you to be at your best. This will be especially important when your loved one is understandably irritable and cranky.

6. Put together a support team. No one expects you to do this all on your own. You may be the closest person to your injured or ill loved one (a spouse, for example), but you don’t have to be alone in your mission to show love and support. Ask for the assistance of your other family members and friends to allow you a break and some time for yourself. When it comes to showing someone love and support, the more, the merrier.

The Importance Of Rehabilitation

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Mature Woman having ambulatory therapyIf life was meant to be easy, we wouldn’t have to put much effort into anything we do. Clearly, life can’t always be a breeze, right? Perhaps, the point of going though hardships is so that we can better appreciate the many good times we’ve experienced with our families and friends. Naturally, it’s important to never take such good times for granted. It’s also important to remember that experiencing good times takes effort.

In other words, we have to work hard to have fun. Sounds like bit of an oxymoron, doesn’t it? But when we get to points in our lives when we become ill, injured or victimized by substance addiction, we need to work harder than ever. We also need all the help we can get. And there’s absolutely no shame in that. This is why the process of rehabilitation is so integral to our overall health.

The very definition of “rehabilitation” is the restoration of one’s health and ability to function normally through a variety of methods. At Independence Incorporated, we know the importance of getting people back in tip-top shape. When a person becomes disabled from doing his or her job, we know that this takes more than just a physical toll on his or her body.

As you can imagine, there is a significant emotional component to the entire rehabilitation process. Although there are a variety of rehabilitation types, counseling and family support are always necessary to assist patients with getting to healthy mental and psychological states. Returning to work, after all, will take a lot more than an able body. A positive and confident mindset is necessary as well.

This is why, at Independence Incorporated, we go through a comprehensive and thorough process before assessing whether or not a client is ready to return to work. We achieve this through a three-step Vocational Rehabilitation Assessment program. It is through this process that we are able to accomplish a number of important requirements that benefit both the client and the employer.

Firstly, we make sure that the patient has received or is receiving the care he or she needs. Secondly, we assess the physical or emotional limitations and restrictions affecting the employee’s ability to meet the demands of his or her job. That way, employers are always welcoming back a member of their staff who is truly work ready – the very meaning of being rehabilitated.

The three-point assessment process, by the way, involves a client interview that includes a visit to the injured or ill employee. This is followed up by corresponding with the primary caregivers involved in the employee’s recovery process. Finally, a visit to the work site to communicate with the employer is made. Of course, there is a lot more to each step that we’d be happy to discuss with you in greater detail.

Please feel free to contact Independence Incorporated at 204-478-6644 at your earliest convenience. We’ve excitedly started up our new blog to better inform you about our many services and how they many benefit your company and the valued people who work for it. In the most respectful and professional way possible, we are committed to assisting both you and your clients with attaining the true meaning of rehabilitation.