Staff Directory

Matthew Benedet, O.T. Reg. (MB)
Rehabilitation Consultant/PGAP Clinician
Telephone: 204-474-1660
Matthew is an Occupational Therapist registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba and the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists.
Matthew graduated from the University of Manitoba and has experience in occupational assessments, return to work and rehabilitation.
As a member of the Independence Inc. team, Matthew is taking referrals for:
- Ergonomic Assessments
- Personal Care Assessments
- Physical Demands Analysis
- Return to Work Planning
- Permanent Impairment Assessments
- Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)

Camille Benedet Occupational Therapist
Camille Benedet, O.T. Reg. (MB)
Occupational Therapist
Phone: 204-474-2910
Camille is an Occupational Therapist registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba and the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists.
She has experience with: orthopedics, cognitive assessment, functional assessment, home assessment, rehabilitation, discharge planning, and chronic pain management.
Camille is able to provide:
- personal care assessments
- home assessments
- permanent impairment assessments
- worksite assessments
- ergonomics assessments
- return to work planning

Lisa Borchert, B.A., RVP
Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant / PGAP Clinician
Telephone: 204-474-2977
Lisa is a Registered Vocational Professional (RVP) through the Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada. (VRA). She is a professional Career and Employment Counselor with 19 years’ experience coaching diverse individuals moving into meaningful employment. Lisa is now certified as a PGAP Clinician.
Lisa maintains a strong focus on the client; overcoming barriers and creating work/life solutions to assist clients in moving forward. Lisa has extensive experience providing the following services:
- Vocational Assessments
- Transferable Skills Analysis / Labour Market Reports
- Return to Work planning / Career Exploration / Career Development
- Arranging / Monitoring volunteer and work placements
- Developing job search strategies / supporting clients through the job search process
- Employment maintenance and transition support
- Creating effective resumes and cover letters
A Certified Trainer and Instructor, Lisa is an Instructor in computer and job search classes through the Winnipeg School Division Continuing Education. Lisa has written and trained courses in business management, life skills, computer skills and industry-specific skills. As a workshop facilitator, her seminars have included job search, interview skills, skills analysis and interactive women’s self-esteem seminars.
Continuing education / certification includes the U of W Professional Leadership and Development program, Adult Learning and Literacy and Conflict Resolution. A double Bachelor’s degree in English and History provide a strong background in writing and research. Lisa is the past President of VRA Canada Manitoba Society and a past member of the VRA Canada Executive Council.
We look forward to Lisa assisting your clients in the vocational rehabilitation process.
Lisa will travel throughout Manitoba for in-person client services, and also provides services by email, toll-free telephone or Skype.

Victor Andres, BN
President & Founder
Rehab Consultant/ PGAP Clinician
Telephone: 204-474-2228
As President of Independence Incorporated, Victor maintains an active and varied caseload, assisting clients with the management of complex rehabilitation, and return to work issues.
Over the past 28 years, Victor has become well-known in the community for his client-focused and comprehensive approach to disability case management. He brings a unique perspective and ability to assess and remove barriers to recovery and return to work plans. This includes facilitating a wide range of return-to-work scenarios despite inherently complex rehabilitation challenges. Services are provided in English and Victor is also fluent in Spanish.