When you’ve been away from the work force for a considerable amount of time, returning to work is not often the first thing on your mind. Suffering an injury or enduring an illness comes with many physical limitations. Naturally, returning to a state of better health and strength is the primary concern. However, once a full recovery has been successfully achieved, an individual generally needs to begin thinking about returning to work.
In many cases, this entails looking for an entirely new job. And, as you can imagine, for those that have not been working for a long time, the entire process can be a harrowing one. One of the first steps, of course, entails refurbishing a resumé. And although there is often nothing new to add to a resumé once a person is able to return to the workforce following a long layoff, it’s important that all relevant information is updated.
Then comes the job search! This too, can be a difficult process. Determining the line of work one is interested in and discovering if there are available positions in that field can also be an arduous task. And, of course, once a person has selected the jobs that he or she wishes to apply for, preparation for those all important job interviews is necessary. Independence Incorporated is committed to helping clients throughout the entire process.
Firstly, we offer Resumé Preparation services that assist clients with completing accurate, up-to-date and interest-worthy resumés. Our experienced vocational staff works diligently to provide both thorough resumé development skills and appropriate cover letter creation. In many cases, a cover letter is read before a resumé, so it needs just as much attention. Our team is well aware that impressing a would-be employer requires a great first impression.
Secondly, our Job Search Assistance Program serves those who have settled on some realistic occupational choices. The program takes into account the specific needs and talents of each individual client. It may include regular client meetings to establish responsibilities during the job search process and a daily review of classified employment ads in newspapers, employment centres and on the internet.
Finally, we offer Interview Coaching. For those who have experienced long layoffs from work, it is often difficult to recall the best ways to conduct one’s self during a job interview. Taking into account such details as dress code, knowing what questions to ask, showing up early and doing research on the employer is all very important. Our team provides a review of effective interview strategies to help to diminish the anxiety that many job seekers may have.
It can be argued that the job interview process is the most important step in securing new employment. This step, of course, puts a person face-to-face with his or her would-be employer. Making a strong impression is imperative in landing the position. On Monster.com, Doug Hardy writes that “even if you have less than a day before your job interview, you can outshine the competition with a little interview preparation.”
Finding a new job after a long layoff from work doesn’t have to feel like Mission: Impossible. As mentioned, Independence Incorporated is committed to helping its clients with every step necessary to both locate and secure ideal career opportunities. For more information about our Resumé Preparation services, Job Search Assistance Program and Interview Coaching, please don’t hesitate to call Independence Incorporated at 204-478-6644 or email info@indep.ca.